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Thirty-four community members receive 2023 MIT Excellence Awards, Collier Medal, and Staff Award for Distinction in Service

Prestigious awards recognize community support of MIT’s goals, values, and mission.
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MIT Human Resources
Graduate student Martin Nisser receiving the Collier Award from MIT President Sally Kornbluth on stage in Kresge Auditorium.
Martin Eric William Nisser (left), a graduate student in EECS and CSAIL, was the 2023 recipient of the Collier Medal for his work as co-founder of Brave Behind Bars, a computer science program for incarcerated women based out of MIT’s Educational Justice Initiative. MIT President Sally Kornbluth presented his award at the ceremony.
Photo: Steph Stevens
Farrah Belizaire and John Dozier standing with a piano and flower arrangement behind them.
Farrah Belizaire (left) received the Excellence Award for “Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” for her work as DEIJ program officer in three departments: Brain and Cognitive Sciences, the McGovern Institute for Brain Research, and the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. Institute Community and Equity Officer John Dozier presented her award.
Photo: Steph Stevens
Kimberly Haberlin and Sally Kornbluth standing with a piano and flower arrangement behind them, holding a small statue of a glass column.
Kimberly Haberlin (left), chief of staff in the Office of the Chancellor, was presented with the 2023 Staff Award for Distinction in Service by President Sally Kornbluth. In her nomination, colleagues noted how essential her work is to maintaining the connections and collaborations that support and advance the mission of MIT.
Photo: Steph Stevens
30-40 adults in an auditorium laugh, clap, hold signs, and wave pompoms at the MIT Excellence Awards + Collier Medal event
Colleagues and friends of Dennis Hamel, recipient of an “Outstanding Contributor” Excellence Award, enthusiastically cheer him on. Hamel manages the Flight Test Facility at the Lincoln Laboratory.
Photo: Steph Stevens
Mahnaz El-Kouedi and Eric Evans standing with a piano and flower arrangement behind them.
Mahnaz El-Kouedi (left), director of academic program administration for the Program in Media Arts and Sciences at the Media Lab, received an Excellence Award for “Serving Our Community.” Her nominators noted her ability to provide “cohesion, clarity, and compassion.” Lincoln Laboratory Director Eric Evans presented her award.
Photo: Steph Stevens
A row of adults sitting in an auditorium.
Presenters listen to President Kornbluth’s opening remarks. (Front row, from left to right:) MIT Police Captain Andrew Turco; John DiFava, director of public safety and chief of MIT Police; Anantha Chandrakasan, dean, School of Engineering; Ramona Allen, vice president for human resources; John Dozier, Institute community and equity officer; Eric Evans, director, Lincoln Laboratory; Chancellor Melissa Nobles; and Provost Cynthia Barnhart.
Photo: Steph Stevens
Closeup of four women, two wearing headscarves, smiling warmly while seated in an auditorium
Rachida Kernis (third from left), an administrative assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, received an Excellence Award in the “Sustaining MIT” category for her work creating robust professional and personal support systems for MIT staff. Heather Anne Holland (fourth from left), the senior associate director of marketing, communications, and operations within MIT Sloan’s Career Development Office, received an Excellence Award for “Outstanding Contributor” for her ability to craft messaging that unites the community and shapes culture.
Photo: Steph Stevens
Nine adults stand in a row on a stage with a banner reading “Massachusetts Institute of Technology” behind them.
The Tip Box Recycling Team of the Environment, Health, and Safety Office received a Sustaining MIT Excellence Award for creating a robust system to collect plastic used in research labs for recycling — 550 pounds a week. Pictured with Provost Cynthia Barnhart (far left), who presented their award, are (from left to right:) Lu Zhong, Rosario Silvestri, Ryan Samz, David M. Pavone, Mitchell S. Galanek, John R. Collins, Michael A. DeBerio, and Normand J. Desrochers III.
Photo: Steph Stevens

Twenty-four individuals and one team were awarded MIT Excellence Awards — the highest awards for staff at the Institute — at a well-attended and energetic ceremony the afternoon of June 8 in Kresge Auditorium. In addition to the Excellence Awards, two community members were honored with the Collier Medal and Staff Award for Distinction in Service.

The Excellence Awards, Collier Medal, and Staff Award for Distinction in Service recognize the extraordinary dedication of staff and community members who represent all areas of the Institute, both on campus and at the Lincoln Laboratory.

The Collier Medal honors the memory of Officer Sean Collier, who gave his life protecting and serving the MIT community, and celebrates an individual or group whose actions demonstrate the importance of community. The Staff Award for Distinction in Service, now in its second year, is presented to a staff member whose service to the Institute results in a positive lasting impact on the community.

The 2023 MIT Excellence Award recipients and their award categories are:

  • Sustaining MIT: Erin Genereux; Rachida Kernis; J. Bradley Morrison, and the Tip Box Recycling Team (John R. Collins, Michael A. DeBerio, Normand J. Desrochers III, Mitchell S. Galanek, David M. Pavone, Ryan Samz, Rosario Silvestri, and Lu Zhong);
  • Innovative Solutions: Abram Barrett, Nicole H. W. Henning
  • Bringing Out the Best: Patty Eames, Suzy Maholchic Nelson
  • Serving Our Community: Mahnaz El-Kouedi, Kara Flyg, Timothy J. Meunier, Marie A. Stuppard, Roslyn R. Wesley
  • Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Farrah A. Belizaire
  • Outstanding Contributor: Diane Ballestas, Robert J. Bicchieri, Lindsey Megan Charles, Benoit Desbiolles, Dennis C. Hamel, Heather Anne Holland, Gregory L. Long, Linda Mar, Mary Ellen Sinkus, Sarah E. Willis, and Phyl A. Winn
  • The 2023 Collier Medal recipient was Martin Eric William Nisser, a graduate student fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the School of Engineering/MIT Schwarzman College of Computing.
  • The 2023 recipient of the Staff Award for Distinction in Service was Kimberly A. Haberlin, chief of staff in the Chancellor’s Office.

Presenters included President Sally Kornbluth; Vice President for Human Resources Ramona Allen; Provost Cynthia Barnhart; School of Engineering Dean Anantha Chandrakasan; MIT Police Chief John DiFava and MIT Police Captain Andrew Turco; Institute Community and Equity Officer John Dozier; Lincoln Laboratory Director Eric Evans; and Chancellor Melissa Nobles. As always, an animated and supportive audience with signs, pompoms, and glow bracelets filled the auditorium with cheers for the honorees.

Visit the MIT Human Resources website for more information about the award categories, selection process, recipients, and to view the archive video of the event.

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