Developing materials for stellar performance in fusion power plants
Zoe Fisher, a doctoral student in NSE, is researching how defects can alter the fundamental properties of ceramics upon radiation.
Zoe Fisher, a doctoral student in NSE, is researching how defects can alter the fundamental properties of ceramics upon radiation.
Graduate student and MathWorks Fellow Louis DeRidder is developing a device to make chemotherapy dosing more accurate for individual patients.
Professors Maria Yang and Kenneth Oye are honored as “Committed to Caring” for their mentorship of graduate students.
Accenture Fellow Shreyaa Raghavan applies machine learning and optimization methods to explore ways to reduce transportation sector emissions.
By making use of MIT’s existing fiber optic infrastructure, PhD student Hilary Chang imaged the ground underneath campus, a method that can be used to characterize seismic hazards.
Longtime AeroAstro professor brings deep experience with academic and student life.
Youyeon Choi is leaning on her work experience in South Korea — a leading nation in nuclear energy — and her love of multi-physics modeling as she pursues her doctoral research.
Brooks is researching the impact of coastal pond breaching on preventing and mitigating harmful algal blooms, and will report to Naval Aviation Schools Command to begin flight training this fall.
MIT professors Iain Stewart and Roberto Fernandez are “Committed to Caring”
Yutao Gong, Brandon Man, and Andrii Zahorodnii will spend 2025-26 at Tsinghua University in China studying global affairs.
MAD Design Fellow Zane Schemmer writes algorithms that optimize overall function, minimize carbon footprint, and produce a manufacturable design.
AeroAstro PhD student Sydney Dolan uses an interdisciplinary approach to develop collision-avoidance algorithms for satellites.
MIT grad students and their families joined project and construction staff to mark the collaborative effort to plan and create MIT’s newest graduate residence.
Deborah Liverman, executive director of MIT Career Advising and Professional Development, offers a window into undergraduate and graduate students’ post-graduation paths.
MIT graduate student earns top honors in Graduate and People’s Choice categories for her work on nutrient-stabilizing materials.