MIT Press to develop a sustainable framework for open access monographs
$850,000 grant from Arcadia will allow exploration of alternatives to the traditional market-based business model for professional and scholarly monographs.
$850,000 grant from Arcadia will allow exploration of alternatives to the traditional market-based business model for professional and scholarly monographs.
Report catalogs, analyzes available open-source publishing software; warns open publishing must grapple with siloed development and community-owned ecosystems.
Steven Keating SM'12, PhD '16 inspired millions with his research-driven approach to battling cancer and his advocacy for open patient health data.
Open access journal to promote the latest research, educational resources, and commentary from leading minds in data science.
Interim head of MIT Anthropology explains the plan's vision and challenges, plus progress made at an historic MIT workshop.
The MIT community is invited to comment on ways to increase sharing of research, data, software, and more.
The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, jointly with the MIT Press, launches a new open-access journal, for and by the scientometric community.
Knowledge Futures Group and the MIT Press team up to highlight ways to meet increasing demands for open access content.
MIT Media Lab and MIT Press announce winners of the Journal of Design and Science essay competition.
CERN Open Data Portal results reveal predictable patterns from colliding high-energy protons.
Press' first major digitization endeavor ushers in a new era of access.
MIT-authored articles will automatically be deposited into DSpace@MIT.
Journal will offer a new, open-access alternative for academic publishing.
Graduate student Steven Keating takes a problem-solving approach to his brain cancer.