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Displaying 16 - 30 of 107 news articles related to this topic.
Illustration of a virtual simulation dining room, as the table is being flipped over by some unseen force.

Generating a realistic 3D world

A new AI-powered, virtual platform uses real-world physics to simulate a rich and interactive audio-visual environment, enabling human and robotic learning, training, and experimental studies.

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A hand-drawn sign that says "Code for Good" with a heart symbol in between bracket symbols

Byte-sized learning

2021 IAP offerings from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ranged from the playful to the profound.

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Video game rendition of MIT's McDermott Court with a building covered in icing and rainbow sprinkles

Scene at MIT: Mystery MIT

Held virtually for the first time due to the pandemic, this year’s MIT Mystery Hunt took the form of a puzzle-filled multiplayer game on an alternate-reality MIT campus.

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