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Letter regarding Executive Order affecting international students and scholars

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The following email was sent today to the MIT community by Provost Martin A. Schmidt, Chancellor Cynthia Barnhart, and Vice President for Research Maria T. Zuber. 

To the members of the MIT community:
The Executive Order President Trump signed yesterday restricting individuals from seven countries from entering the United States is already having an impact on members of our community.
While we are very troubled by this situation, our first concern is for those of our international students and scholars who are directly affected. We are working closely with them to offer every support we can.
We are also keeping close watch on the overall situation and exploring the best options to help and respond.
If you have specific questions, please contact David Elwell, associate dean and director of the International Students Office or Penny Rosser, director of the International Scholars Office.
Martin A. Schmidt
Cynthia Barnhart
Maria T. Zuber

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