Student Program for Innovation in Science and Engineering is a launching pad toward possibility
Gifted Caribbean high schoolers become SPISE alumni at MIT, and many go on to advanced academic and professional careers.
Gifted Caribbean high schoolers become SPISE alumni at MIT, and many go on to advanced academic and professional careers.
Inviting recent postdocs and sabbatical-eligible faculty to pursue their research at MIT, new programs envision eventually supporting 16 Israeli scholars on campus annually.
GMAF’s second international cohort will comprise up to 10 early- to mid-career Palestinian scholars for a two-year pilot fellowship program at MIT.
First organized MIT delegation highlights the Institute's growing commitment to addressing climate change by showcasing research on biodiversity conservation, AI, and the role of local communities.
MIT and Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health launch specialized program to train future clinicians on the fabrication of artificial limbs and braces for people with disabilities.
As a child, a civil war drove Mlen-Too Wesley out of Liberia. As an adult, he has returned and is applying what he learned in an MITx MicroMasters program to help the West African nation thrive.
Collaborating with a local climate technology company, MIT’s Self-Assembly Lab is pursuing scalable erosion solutions that mimic nature, harnessing ocean currents to expand islands and rebuild coastlines.
At MIT, Keselman is a lecturer, executive director, managing director, and innovator. Additionally, he is a colonel in the Air Force Reserves, board director, and startup leader.
The MIT Energy Initiative and a consortium of Taiwanese companies are exploring how Taiwan can secure its energy future as the world transitions away from fossil fuels.
MIT pK-12 at Open Learning co-created a secondary school learning architecture that’s available for adoption and adaptation by educational practitioners worldwide.
In parallel, MIT and Universidad del Valle de Guatemala students seek to advance local innovation by and for Guatemalan communities.
Anthropologists Manduhai Buyandelger and Lauren Bonilla discuss the humanistic perspective they bring to a project that is yielding promising results.
With extensive international outreach experience as a faculty member and program leader, Boning brings a spirit of curiosity and collaboration to his new role.
The innovation, which employs beeswax to maintain consistent heating, is the result of three years of co-design with Cameroonian poultry farmers.
The Future African Scientist organization was sparked by a connection between two students from different walks of life during an MIT program in South Africa.