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Featured video: Random acts of kindness

For RAK Week, community members dole out free hugs, snacks, and other kind acts.
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After a successful launch last spring, Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week is back (March 6-10) for five full days, dedicated to connecting members of the MIT community with each other through small, selfless, spirit-lifting gestures. In addition to being an opportunity to show how much you care, RAK Week activities offer participants a simple way to connect with support resources on campus. And the idea behind RAK Week has become bigger than just an on-campus event: It’s a reminder that MIT’s culture includes showing that we're all part of a caring community.

The idea was conceptualized by MIT juniors Bettina Arkhurst and Cory Johnson, who looked to the MindHandHeart Innovation Fund for financial support. "It's for all members of campus, be it students, staff, faculty, et cetera, to just reach out to one another and show people that they are seen and that they are cared for," Arkhurst says.

Do you have an idea that promotes a healthy, supportive, and welcoming MIT community? Apply for for the next round of MindHandHeart Innovation Fund grants.

Submitted by: Division of Student Life | Video By: Stephanie Tran/DSL | 1 min, 5 sec

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