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Columnist discusses financial literacy at SWIM event

Heather McGregor, Financial Times columnist and author, spoke to the Sloan Women in Management club.
Heather McGregor
Heather McGregor
Photo: Sarah Foote

Dr. Heather McGregor, columnist and author of the new book "Mrs. Moneypenny’s Careers Advice for Ambitious Women," visited the Sloan Women in Management club (SWIM) on Feb. 7.

McGregor, who is also known as Mrs. Moneypenny, offered career advice and tips to the club’s members in an hour-long talk. She told students to take control of every aspect of their careers, from managing human and social capital (networking) to learning to say “no,” delegate and build teams. The Financial Times columnist also advised SWIM members to spend time learning and understanding their own financial literacy.

“You should spend at least an hour a month, if not an hour a week, on your own personal finances. If you are not doing an hour working on your own money, you are not doing enough,” noted McGregor, who is also an entrepreneur and pilot.

“Know exactly what it costs you to live," she said. "Every woman should have a personal financial finish line — that is, understand how much money you will need to earn to pay down all your debt, and have enough to retire. Not enough of us do this.”

McGregor also advised students to have a third dimension to their lives — to do something more than work and run a home. This will also develop your human and social capital, she said.

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