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3 Questions with a student leader: IFC President Tommy Anderson

Hear from the MIT junior and newly elected Interfraternity Council President.
MIT junior and IFC President Tommy Anderson
MIT junior and IFC President Tommy Anderson
Photo: Stephanie Keeler

Student leadership has long been an integral part of the out-of-classroom experience at MIT. In this series, we hear from some of the students in leadership roles in the MIT community.

This month, the Interfraternity Council (IFC), the student group that represents fraternities at MIT, announced the results of its executive board elections. Junior Tommy Anderson became the new IFC President, replacing senior Gordon Wintrob. Anderson, a native of Lunenberg, Mass., is a computer science and engineering (course 6-3) major and a third-year brother of Zeta Psi. He spoke with the Division of Student Life about his experience with Greek life and the IFC.

Q. What does Greek life mean for you?

A. It’s a matter of having a support network within your chapter, of having brothers or sisters who you can fall back on for help or advice. Being involved in Greek life means you always have this group of men or women who can help you get any sort of support that you need, whether it be academic or personal.

For me, the most beneficial aspect of being in a fraternity has been having upperclassmen brothers in my major who took classes similar to mine. I found myself stopping by their rooms often. They were always willing to help with problems, suggest internships and give career advice. That’s probably been the most significant benefit of Greek life for me.

Q. What is the role of the IFC?

A. The IFC is an organization that acts as unified voice for the entire fraternal community at MIT. We advocate for our best interests, ensure a fair rush for everyone, and — through our judicial committee — hold ourselves to the highest standards that we can within the community.

Last year, I was the IFC’s judicial committee secretary. We did a great job to really make the judicial process more transparent, so that fraternities that faced judicial consequences had an educational experience. We made everyone in the community more aware of the rules and expectations, and we made sure there aren’t any surprises for fraternities involved in the judicial process.

Q. What are your top priorities this year?

A. My main platform is improving communication. Whether it’s with the MIT administration, housemasters in dorms, or the Panhellenic Association, we’re trying to make sure that we maintain strong relationships with the rest of the MIT community.

There’s a lot of excellence in fraternities at MIT, whether it be in academics, service, leadership, athletics or the arts. One of the things I think we need to work more toward is really highlighting the benefits of our community. One of the big initiatives I’ll be working on this year is a general IFC newsletter to distribute to all of MIT. We’re going to be working on trying to get the first issue together for February.

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