The Bernard M. Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program, a new educational initiative at MIT that combines leadership development with the rigor of the MIT educational experience, graduated its first class of Gordon Engineering Leaders (GELs) on Friday, May 7.
Launched through a $20 million gift by The Bernard M. Gordon Foundation, the program aims to help MIT’s undergraduate engineering students develop the skills, tools, and character they will need as future leaders in the world of engineering practice.
The program is co-directed by Joel Schindall, the Bernard Gordon Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Ed Crawley, the Ford Professor of Engineering and a professor in aeronautics and astronautics and engineering systems.
In brief remarks to the 12 seniors who comprised the program’s first class, Crawley said, “Two years ago, we started out together on a journey we now call the Gordon Engineering Leadership program. Along that journey, each of you has developed into an engineering leader, capable of leading from any seat in any organization. Just as importantly, with your energy and input, we've created a program that will enable others at MIT to follow in your footsteps. You should be proud of what you've accomplished, both personally, professionally, and on behalf of the Institute.”
Several of this year's GEL graduates will immediately begin applying their newly acquired skills and knowledge in various industries, while others will remain at MIT to continue their studies. Among the newly minted GELs are Isabel Mattos, who will work for Ooyala, Inc. in Mountain View, Calif, as an associate product manager; Tanya Goldhaber, who will pursue a PhD in engineering design at the University of Cambridge as a Marshall Scholar; and Eric Beecher, who will work for Sensata Technologies in Mansfield, Mass., as a mechanical-design engineer.
Gordon Engineering Leadership Program graduates its first class
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Gordon-MIT ELP staff pose with the 12 graduating GELs (Gordon Engineering Leaders) following the Certificate of Completion ceremony on Friday, May 7.
Image: Arfa Aijazi