More personalized online shopping
Startup’s platform analyzes data from multiple sources to better predict buying preferences.
Startup’s platform analyzes data from multiple sources to better predict buying preferences.
Winning videos demonstrate what it's like to be an MIT student interning, researching, and teaching around the globe.
Mitali Thakor works with tech companies and police to understand what sex trafficking looks like today.
MIT alumni, staff, faculty, and students enthusiastically join a social media campaign supporting diversity in engineering.
MIT historian of technology discusses new work examining “digital citizenship.”
New CSAIL system lets users customize the mailing-list experience by following and blocking users and “upvoting” messages.
Media Lab students aim to take common interests offline to encourage real-life connections.
Edward Schiappa has studied reason and rhetoric from ancient Greece to “Will & Grace.”
Best of the year on @MIT include a robot cheetah, next-generation spacesuits, and Tetris tater tots.
Networks that map strength of connections between languages predict global influence of their speakers.
By studying immigrants, book provides a new view on social media and political movements.
In support of three new experiments, MIT's Enectali Figueroa-Feliciano will answer questions about dark matter research in a live Google Hangout on Nov. 20.
MIT social media strategist Stephanie Hatch Leishman highlights applications and resources that can streamline your workflow: Feedly, Flickr, Hootsuite, and IFTTT.
Program aims to develop collaborative technologies to tackle complex social problems.