RNA hitches a ride on ultrasound waves
Technique enables rapid delivery of RNA to treat colon inflammation.
Technique enables rapid delivery of RNA to treat colon inflammation.
Chemist Elizabeth Nolan studies the battle between microbes and hosts for essential metals.
Technology could aid in elimination of malaria and treatment of many other diseases.
Smart insulin-pen cap lets patients and doctors track dosage data to better manage treatment.
Innovators and researchers tackle global issues through actionable research and collaboration.
Newly discovered genetic code controls bacterial survival during infections.
Antimicrobial peptides can kill strains resistant to existing antibiotics.
Study of malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Uganda assesses scalability, identifies supply chain challenges.
Keyboard-monitoring technique can detect motor difficulties as patients type.
Gene-regulating RNA molecules could help treat early-stage breast cancer tumors before they spread.
PhD student Nils Wernerfelt deploys the tools of economics to address his many questions about the world.
Device that measures growth of many individual cells simultaneously could lead to rapid tests for antibiotics.
Shortwave infrared instrument from MIT could see deeper, help improve diagnosis of ear infections.
New chip could help test drugs for ALS, other neuromuscular disorders.