Exelon Generation supports research on advanced nuclear fuel cladding coatings
Exelon Generation funding for the MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems could transform the performance of the fuel cladding in light water reactors.
Exelon Generation funding for the MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems could transform the performance of the fuel cladding in light water reactors.
Students recognized for inventive solutions to challenges in health care, transportation, food and agriculture, and consumer devices.
ENN Group, one of China’s largest private energy companies, will join MITEI’s Center for Energy Storage Research.
Associate Professor Polina Anikeeva, in preparing for the Boston Marathon, shares her love of running.
Brittle electrodes handle expansion by going glassy, study shows.
“Quantum dots” that emit infrared light enable highly detailed images of internal body structures.
MIT principal investigators will apply cutting-edge research to the challenges of the developing world, seeking a large-scale impact.
With support from the Toyota Research Institute, MIT faculty will focus on next-generation energy storage.
Rubbery, multifunctional fibers could be used to study spinal cord neurons and potentially restore function.
Graduate engineering and economics programs are No. 1 in the nation; MIT Sloan is No. 4.
Novel laminated nanostructure gives steel bone-like resistance to fracturing under repeated stress.
MIT, Carnegie Mellon researchers explore “self-healing” batteries with new metal-halide solid electrolyte material.
MIT ranked within the top 5 for 19 of 46 subject areas.
New method could enable pinpoint diagnostics on individual blood cells.
New sensor could reveal the neurotransmitter’s role in learning and habit formation.