A new way of extracting copper
Researchers develop an electrically-driven process to separate commercially important metals from sulfide minerals in one step without harmful byproducts.
Researchers develop an electrically-driven process to separate commercially important metals from sulfide minerals in one step without harmful byproducts.
Awards given to outstanding faculty, undergraduates, and graduate students.
New AFFOA facility represents a significant MIT investment in advanced manufacturing innovation.
New center for development of high-tech fibers and fabrics opens headquarters, unveils two products ready for commercialization.
Following their MIT studies, graduates in MIT’s Reserve Officer Training Corps set off on new challenges in the U.S. military.
MIT researchers create a high-temperature device that produces electricity from industrial waste heat.
Students create bronze medallions of the MIT seal for new graduates of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.
MIT researchers team up with leaders from the metals and minerals industry to envision a more sustainable future.
Findings support new strategy of continuous drug delivery by implantable device.
Thin fibers could be used to deliver drugs or electrical stimulation, with less damage to the brain.
Principal investigators will receive grants of up to $200,000 per year for two years, overhead free, for innovative research on food and water challenges.
Mechanical actuators developed by MIT team expand and contract as they let oxygen in and out.
Senior Tiffany Yeh explores health care and poverty through working abroad, and cultivates her love of music while at home.
Materials researcher is working on the magnetic memory of the future.