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Arts on the Radar for MIT Students

New and returning students are introduced to MIT's wide array of arts programs and opportunities.
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Leah Talatinian
Phone: 617-253-5351
Arts at MIT
Madeleine Gallagher, media associate for the Program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT), runs through a sound check with the Jesse Kaminsky of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Other DJs included Professor Ian Condry, graduate student Jessika Khazrik, and ACT alumna Floor van de Velde SM '14.
Madeleine Gallagher, media associate for the Program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT), runs through a sound check with the Jesse Kaminsky of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Other DJs included Professor Ian Condry, graduate student Jessika Khazrik, and ACT alumna Floor van de Velde SM '14.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
List Visual Arts Center intern Trisha Hautea leads a hands-on art-making workshop inspired by works in the Student Loan Art Program exhibition and lottery. Students selected a work on view in the exhibition and created collaged and painted masks inspired by their choice.
List Visual Arts Center intern Trisha Hautea leads a hands-on art-making workshop inspired by works in the Student Loan Art Program exhibition and lottery. Students selected a work on view in the exhibition and created collaged and painted masks inspired by their choice.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
Architecture graduate student Olivia Huang (left) and friends check her Arts on the Radar snap story on MIT Student’s Snapchat and #RadArts social media posts.
Architecture graduate student Olivia Huang (left) and friends check her Arts on the Radar snap story on MIT Student’s Snapchat and #RadArts social media posts.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
ACT graduate student Bjorn Sparrman curated an installation of artworks by ACT and Department of Architecture students. The exhibition was funded, in part, by a director’s grant from the Council for the Arts at MIT.
ACT graduate student Bjorn Sparrman curated an installation of artworks by ACT and Department of Architecture students. The exhibition was funded, in part, by a director’s grant from the Council for the Arts at MIT.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
Graduate student Lily Bui and Joe Diaz ’11 show off their masks at the dance party.
Graduate student Lily Bui and Joe Diaz ’11 show off their masks at the dance party.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
The exhibition at Arts on the Radar even gave attendees a chance to experience flying like a superhero thanks to an interactive virtual reality environment by 99 Fridays.
The exhibition at Arts on the Radar even gave attendees a chance to experience flying like a superhero thanks to an interactive virtual reality environment by 99 Fridays.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
MIT students used tissue paper, sequins, googly eyes and other materials to transform masks into art full of personality and flair. The most creative mask won a free class at the Student Art Association.
MIT students used tissue paper, sequins, googly eyes and other materials to transform masks into art full of personality and flair. The most creative mask won a free class at the Student Art Association.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
MIT students pose with masks inspired by the List Visual Arts Center's annual Student Loan Art Program exhibition. Each year, students have the opportunity to enter a lottery to borrow a work of art from the List's collection for their living spaces during the academic year.
MIT students pose with masks inspired by the List Visual Arts Center's annual Student Loan Art Program exhibition. Each year, students have the opportunity to enter a lottery to borrow a work of art from the List's collection for their living spaces during the academic year.
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT
New and returning students, faculty and staff capped off the night 
with a dance party in ACT’s Cube with DJs, multimedia projections and a 
New and returning students, faculty and staff capped off the night
with a dance party in ACT’s Cube with DJs, multimedia projections and a
Photo: Giulio Amodeo/Arts at MIT

On Friday, Sept. 4, MIT’s Program in Art, Culture and Technology (ACT), the List Visual Arts Center, and Arts at MIT hosted “Arts on the Radar,” a collaborative initiative to introduce new and returning students to the wide array of arts programs and opportunities sponsored by MIT on and off campus.

The evening began with the MIT List Visual Arts Center Student Loan Art Program Barbeque, with guided tours of the exhibition. Everyone was encouraged to twin their favorite artwork in the student loan exhibition by making a mask to match and posting an image to social media with the #twin hashtag. The best matches posted on Instagram won prizes including a free art class at the Student Art Association.

The party later moved down to the lower level atrium of the Wiesner Building for the art exhibition and dance party. Björn Sparrman SM ’16 designed and curated an installation of videos and artworks by ACT and Department of Architecture students; this was funded, in part, through a director’s grant from the Council for the Arts at MIT (CAMIT). In the ACT Cube, students, alumni, staff, and faculty DJs kept everyone dancing the night away.

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