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President Reif to hold office hours during this academic year

Open to faculty, students and staff

Starting this month, MIT President L. Rafael Reif will set aside two-hour blocks throughout the academic year for 15-minute meetings with MIT faculty, students and staff.

Reif held similar blocks of office hours last year. Between October 2012 and June 2013, he held eight such sessions, during which he met with more than 80 members of the MIT community — more than half of them students. Topics of discussion included online education, leadership, innovation, diversity, sustainability and student life. Office hours included one-on-one and group meetings.

“Last year’s office hours were very useful to me,” Reif said. “In my first year as president, I wanted to make sure I was staying close to the MIT community, and in ways that would allow everyone here to help me see things I wasn’t seeing or see things in new ways. Office hours were a simple and direct way to get excellent input — and I look forward to the new connections and insights they will allow me this year.”

To request a meeting, visit

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