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David Perreault is appointed EECS associate department head

Munther Dahleh is appointed as acting director of ESD and new organization with focus on socio-technical systems, information and decision systems and statistics.
David Perreault
David Perreault
Photo: Greg Hren

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Head Anantha Chandrakasan announced to EECS faculty today the appointment of Professor David Perreault as EECS associate department head. Chandrakasan prefaced this announcement with the news of the appointment by School of Engineering Dean Ian Waitz of Professor Munther Dahleh — EECS associate department head since July 2011 — as the acting director of the Engineering Systems Division (ESD) and director-designate for a newly proposed organization focusing on socio-technical systems, information and decision systems, and statistics.

Perreault has been a member of the MIT faculty since 2001 and is a member of the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) and the Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL). Known internationally for his contributions to design and application of power electronics, Perrault is particularly cited for his contributions to the development of power converters operating at very high frequencies — providing benefit in both efficiency and performance in the areas of renewable energy, lighting communications, computation, and transportation.

Three startup companies have been founded based on research in Perreault’s group, including Eta Devices, which he co-founded with Joel Dawson to focus on high-efficiency RF power amplifiers. Perreault and his students have been recognized with many awards, including six IEEE prize paper awards. He has served in numerous professional roles including on the administrative committee of the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2002 to 2011 and as technical program co-chair of the 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. Perreault’s service contributions to MIT also include his serving as the EECS department area III chair from 2008 to 2012, as an associate director of MTL during 2012, and as a member of the RLE board.

On accepting this appointment, Perreault said: “This is a very exciting time in EECS, with tremendous advances being pioneered in areas ranging from energy to communications to biomedical systems.” Noting the unprecedented opportunities for students and faculty to shape the future, Perreault said, “I look forward to working together with faculty, staff and students to create the best environment possible for education and innovation.”

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