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Burton Conner welcomes new Housemasters

Anne and Bill McCants to serve the undergraduate residence.
MIT professor Anne McCants and her husband, Bill McCants, will serve as the new housemasters of Burton Conner.
MIT professor Anne McCants and her husband, Bill McCants, will serve as the new housemasters of Burton Conner.
Photo courtesy of Anne and Bill McCants
Burton Conner is an undergraduate residence on Amherst Alley.
Burton Conner is an undergraduate residence on Amherst Alley.
Photo: Holly Hinman

Burton Conner, an undergraduate residence on Amherst Alley, welcomes MIT professor Anne McCants and her husband, Bill McCants, as its new housemasters.

Anne, a specialist in the economic history of medieval and early modern Europe, is a professor of history, a Margaret MacVicar Fellow, and the new director of the Concourse Program. Bill is a senior attorney with the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, as well as a Conservation Commissioner in Belmont, Mass. Anne and Bill have two sons: Thomas, a law student, and James, a high school senior.

The McCants previously served as housemasters in Green Hall from 1992 to 2002, when Green Hall was a graduate student women's dorm. “We are thrilled to be returning as housemasters,” said the McCants. “We made many visits to Burton Conner during that time, and welcome the opportunity to live and work with a very exciting group of MIT undergraduates.”

"It's wonderful to have Anne and Bill back as housemasters," said Dean for Student Life Chris Colombo. "They're a perfect fit for Burton Conner and will be great mentors for the students.”
The McCants replace Housemasters Roe Smith, the Leverett and William Cutten Professor of the History of Technology, and his wife, Bronwyn Mellquist, who stepped down this year after serving as housemasters in Burton Conner since 2004.

MIT housemasters are faculty who reside in the undergraduate and graduate residential halls and fill an important role in each house’s community; they are part advisor and advocate, part mentor and neighbor. Housemasters work closely with Graduate Resident Tutors (GRTs), their house’s student government, and Residential Life & Dining staff to advise students, provide leadership for the house, and foster community life at the Institute.

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