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From Globe and Gates to Google and Guardian: Nods to MIT's 150th

Special Boston Globe magazine on MIT at 150 published Sunday; search-engine giant and U.K. newspaper post pieces about the Institute's impact

MIT’s 150th anniversary has gotten considerable attention this past week.

The Boston Globe published a special magazine and corresponding web content on Sunday, May 15, which celebrates "150 ideas, inventions and innovators" from MIT "that helped shape our world." It highlights Nobel Prize winners and accomplished alumni, major breakthroughs in science and engineering, and the quirky side of MIT.

The magazine also features an introduction written by Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and chairman of Microsoft. Titled "Why MIT Matters," the essay cites MIT's historic moments, Gates' personal use of MIT OpenCourseWare content, the Institute's entrepreneurial spirit and more.

Also included in the magazine is a condensed version of MIT President Susan Hockfield's speech from the Next Century Convocation, held on April 10, where Hockfield reflected on the Institute's history but also focused on "our responsibilities for the next 150 years."

Google on MIT: ‘We’re excited’

On Friday, May 13, the team at Google posted a blog entry discussing MIT's impact both globally and at Google itself. "More than 500 MIT graduates work at Google, in Boston and beyond — on Android, Chrome, crisis relief efforts and more," noted the post by Steve Vinter, engineering director at Google Boston.

"Although MIT was established more than 100 years before the Internet was invented, the institution has continued to remain a world leader in technological research, development and advancement," the post reads. "We’re excited to celebrate the university on its anniversary, and look forward to a continued and strong relationship for the next century to come."

The Guardian on MIT: ‘The warp and weft of modernity’

On Wednesday, May 18, The Guardian newspaper of the U.K. published a story about MIT on the occasion of the Institute's sesquicentennial titled, "The MIT factor: celebrating 150 years of maverick genius."

The piece, written by Ed Pilkington, describes the innovative mindset that is prevalent at MIT, and how discoveries and advances made at the Institute have helped shape the world.

"For the past 150 years,” Pilkington writes, “MIT has been leading us into the future. The discoveries of its teachers and students have become the warp and weft of modernity, the stuff of daily life that we now all take for granted."

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