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Rosenfield honored with Joseph A. Martore Excellence in Teaching Award

2009 Martore Award winner Don Rosenfield, center, with ESD Director Yossi Sheffi, left, and Joe Martore, right.
2009 Martore Award winner Don Rosenfield, center, with ESD Director Yossi Sheffi, left, and Joe Martore, right.
Photo: Erica Bates

Donald Rosenfield, director of the Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) Program and senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management, has been named the recipient of the 2009 Joseph A. Martore (1975) Excellence in Teaching Award, which he received at the recent Charles L. Miller Lecture.

Generously provided by Joseph Martore, the honor is given to a full-time member of the ESD faculty or teaching staff in recognition of outstanding contributions to an Engineering Systems Division (ESD) academic program in the areas of education and program development. Rosenfield received a certificate of appreciation and a monetary award.
For more than two decades, Rosenfield has served a wide variety of crucial roles in the LGO program, overseeing the program design and delivery, teaching the operations strategy course and leading the pro-seminar, supervising students on their thesis research, and helping the students with their co-curricular activities such as the plant tour.

Rosenfield has served at MIT since 1980 as lecturer, senior lecturer and visiting associate professor. He has also served on the faculties of Harvard Business School, the State University of New York and Boston University. At MIT, he has developed courses in manufacturing strategy, operations management and international logistics.

Rosenfield's award citation identified him as “the heart and soul” of the LGO program and acknowledged his important role in developing and implementing the ESD PhD program.

Excerpts from Rosenfield’s nominations:
  • “Don Rosenfield has steered the LGO program skillfully for over two decades. Each year, he develops a great cadre of students through his dedication to the admissions processes, shepherds the entire group and mentors them through their two year program, including the internship process, teaches the operations strategy course and leads the pro-seminar, and stays in touch with hundreds of the program alumni, many of whom stay involved in the program as internship sponsors.”
  • “He has worked with the program from its beginning and is completely and thoroughly devoted to it. In addition to being a good teacher, his organizing of other educational activities is one of the things that makes the program stand out. He is a deeply devoted educator and is probably the principal factor behind LGO’s success.”
  • “Don is simply amazing with the care and dedication that he brings to his work with the LGO students. So many times I've seen Don drop what he was doing to answer a student question or help a student with an issue. I think what makes Don so effective is that he knows each of the students very well.”
  • “His support extends beyond the program, and I have personally called Don years after graduating to ask for advice or professional support with supply chain challenges and he's always been very supportive and responsive. His commitment, care for students, and leadership are shaping tomorrow's leaders to make a real difference to society.”

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