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New MISTI initiative to fund faculty research worldwide

MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) has unveiled new funding for international collaboration -- MISTI Global Seed Funds -- that supports faculty research worldwide and encourages student participation.

Globalization makes international research and collaboration key to scientific and technological advance. Global issues such as health, environment, energy and security cannot be addressed effectively without international cooperation. Increasingly, scientists, managers and engineers participate in research networks across the world. Such networks are critical for advancing knowledge, theory and practical application. MISTI seeks to build global learning in all fields at MIT through its new seed funds. The funding aligns with the Institute's effort to enhance its reach in international education and research.

Proposals are welcome from faculty and research scientists in all disciplines at MIT. The application deadline is Oct. 20, and the application form is available on the MISTI web site at

The seed funds cover a variety of expenses, including exploratory field research, workshop materials and instrument costs. Salary cannot be covered. Each proposal is eligible for up to $20,000 in funding. Research and collaboration can take place anywhere in the world on any topic. For all projects, up to $10,000 in additional funding is available for undergraduate and graduate student participation.

MISTI country programs also offer five country-specific seed funds. Opportunities for faculty interested in collaborative research involving France, India, Italy, Japan or Spain are available.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on September 10, 2008 (download PDF).

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