Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT launches digital handbook for science editors, online fact-checking project
Both free resources are part of an update of the program's website.
Both free resources are part of an update of the program's website.
Classicist Stephanie Frampton traverses disciplines to study how the content and form of writing interacted in the ancient world.
When we appreciate calligraphy works in class, we also analyze the life experiences and stories of each calligrapher’s unique style.
Five undergrads writing on immigrant, diaspora, bicultural, bilingual, and/or mixed-race experiences.
The award honors writing related to immigrant, diaspora, bicultural, bilingual, and/or mixed-race experiences.
Study uncovers language patterns that AI models link to factual and false articles; underscores need for further testing.
Machine learning system aims to determine if an information outlet is accurate or biased.
In “Dispatches from Planet 3,” Marcia Bartusiak illuminates overlooked breakthroughs and the people who made them.
New novel set by dentist-turned-writer Gloria Chao ’08 reveals the protagonist's struggles between Taiwanese and American cultural values.
Blog writing workshop for graduate students offers practical tips, helping them create a window into real life at MIT.
Megan Miranda '02 graduated from MIT intent on pursuing a career in biotechnology. Instead, she became a New York Times best-selling author.
The acclaimed writer, whose work has become a cause célèbre in France and beyond, speaks as part of the MIT Global France Seminar series.
A new blog written entirely by MIT graduate students offers a window into a deeply diverse community.
Award will support research on the South Sea Bubble crisis as an example of connections between scientific developments and their larger social consequences.
Now in its 20th season, a popular poetry series provides the MIT community with new voices and verbal harmonies — and a window into MIT's varied poetry offerings.