Miracle, or marginal gain?
Industrial policy is said to have sparked huge growth in East Asia. Two MIT economists say the numbers tell a more complex story.
Industrial policy is said to have sparked huge growth in East Asia. Two MIT economists say the numbers tell a more complex story.
Rising superpowers like China are “cautious opportunists” in global institutions, and the U.S. should avoid overreaction, PhD student Raymond Wang argues.
Study suggests a robot levy — but only a modest one — could help combat the effects of automation on income inequality in the U.S.
International firms sharing production networks lobby together to secure favorable trade conditions.
John David Minnich seeks to understand how trade policies fueled China’s rise and continue to determine geopolitical winners and losers.
The Jameel Index for Food Trade and Vulnerability — a project supported by Community Jameel — will study the implications of climate change on food security as they relate to trade.
Using Ecuador as case study, economists show international trade widens the income gap in individual countries.
In 14.009, a first-year class taught by Nobel laureates, MIT students discover how economics helps solve major societal problems.
MIT economist’s new research shows U.S. locales hammered by open trade with China have not rebounded, even a decade or more later.
Assistant Professor Mariya Grinberg works at the intersection of economics and national security, building better theories of state behavior.
New project by inventor of LobbyView.org will advance trade theory and the ability of citizens to influence public policymaking.
In new book, Nobel laureates Banerjee and Duflo examine what we know about the global economy and how to improve it.
MIT economist’s historical study details how railroads helped India trade and grow.
Economists take a new look at the evidence that the U.S. has lost millions of jobs to China.
MIT research scientist Sergey Paltsev studies just how big the market for liquefied natural gas could get.