Cells as living calculators
Using analog computation circuits, MIT engineers design cells that can compute logarithms, divide and take square roots.
Cell circuits remember their history
MIT engineers design new synthetic biology circuits that combine memory and logic.
MIT team builds most complex synthetic biology circuit yet
New sensor can detect four different molecules, could be used to program cells to precisely monitor their environments.
Researchers build a toolbox for synthetic biology
Engineers design new proteins that can help control novel genetic circuits in cells.
Genetic 911: Cells’ emergency systems revealed
Study examines how cells exploit gene sequences to cope with toxic stress.
Toying with biological systems
By swapping microbial genes, Chris Voigt designs cells with novel functions.
Mimicking cells with transistors
Analog — rather than digital — circuits could enable models of biological systems that are more efficient, more accurate and easier to build.
Killing a cancer cell from the inside out
Synthetic biologists design a gene circuit that, when delivered to cancer cells, forces them to commit suicide.
Scientists unveil tools for rewriting the code of life
New technology from MIT and Harvard can edit DNA at the genome scale, giving cells novel functions.