Affordable precision printing for pros
MIT spinout Formlabs brings high-resolution, low-cost 3-D printing to makers, engineers and designers.
Better malaria detector wins MIT $100K
Faster, more accurate diagnostic device takes home grand prize; others earn thousands in funding.
High-flying turbine produces more power
MIT alumni develop airborne wind turbine that floats 1,000 feet aloft to capture stronger, steadier winds.
The elements of entrepreneurship
The 2014 Legatum Conference will bring together accomplished entrepreneurs, investors, scholars, and industry leaders to discuss entrepreneurship in emerging economies.
Doing more
AeroAstro’s flexible degree program helped Kwami Williams pursue his passion to change the world.
Biotech to the rescue
Ram Sasisekharan’s startups provide novel methods to fight disease and make better drugs.
Brewing up sustainability
Novel system devised by MIT spinout Cambrian Innovation uses microbes to treat, extract power from wastewater.
A robot dives into search for Malaysian Airlines flight
The AUV built by MIT spinout Bluefin Robotics will begin imaging the ocean floor in search of clues.
Start6: In good company
New IAP program offers a bridge between alumni entrepreneurs and Course 6 students.
D-Lab Scale-Ups Fellowship applications open
Applications due April 9 for a 12-month program that provides $20,000 to develop sustainable social ventures
Brighter future for bacteria detection
An advanced assay quickly illuminates bacteria for more rapid, accurate detection.
MechE alumna Danielle Zurovcik’s WiCare named finalist for Hult Prize
Winner will be announced in September
Study: Attractive men fare best in gaining venture capital
Women, less-attractive men lag in the effort to find financial backing for startups.
Driving down fuel usage
MIT spinout XL Hybrids fits gas-guzzlers with electric powertrains, cutting gas consumption.