Cleaning up hydrogen peroxide production
Solugen’s engineered enzymes offer a biologically-inspired method for producing the chemical.
Solugen’s engineered enzymes offer a biologically-inspired method for producing the chemical.
New location will support growing innovation ecosystem; serve as hub for the region.
MIT spinout Superpedestrian has developed a smart electric scooter to improve urban mobility.
Hacking Nanomedicine kicks off a series of events to develop an idea over time.
MIT startup’s unique approach to improving human mobility is helping it gain traction in a competitive landscape.
Through her startup, MBA student Brooke Wages seeks to prepare people for high-skilled trade jobs after they’ve served time.
Apps developed by MIT spinout Tulip help manufacturers augment employee production rather than automating it away.
“First and foremost we’re a community-builder,” says Habib Haddad, a managing partner of the venture fund.
MDaaS Global works to transform health care in Africa by bringing high-end medical diagnostics to low-income communities.
The incubator’s winding journey to success helped its startup community grow closer while addressing environmental challenges.
MIT startup Lumii helps manufacturers replicate the visual effects of holograms on their printed materials.
Africa’s Talking gives entrepreneurs on the continent an easy way to add voice- and text-based functions to their solutions.
MIT startup Inkbit is overcoming traditional constraints to 3-D printing by giving its machines “eyes and brains.”
The Venture Mentoring Service partners with universities around the U.S. and abroad to support local entrepreneurs.
Sloan Fellow and world citizen James Fok wants to bring financial technology to the global marketplace.