Helping K-12 students overcome school closures
CovEducation matches college students with younger learners to facilitate online learning.
CovEducation matches college students with younger learners to facilitate online learning.
Startup Posh has created chatbots that use “conversational memory” to have more natural exchanges.
Life science companies use Paradigm4’s unique database management system to uncover new insights into human health.
MIT students collaborate with Hong Kong peers to solve urban challenges through the MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node.
A variety of companies with MIT ties are working to address aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dimagi’s data-collection platform has helped improve health care for hundreds of millions of people around the world.
A five-story mixed-use structure in Roxbury represents a new kind of net-zero-energy building, made from wood.
Tech-based solutions sought for challenges in work environments, education for girls and women, maternal and newborn health, and sustainable food.
PatternEx merges human and machine expertise to spot and respond to hacks.
Introduced to the Institute through MITx and MIT Bootcamps, Jakub Chudik is now a senior in EECS and CTO of his own startup.
By organizing performance data and predicting problems, Tagup helps energy companies keep their equipment running.
E14 Venture Summit celebrates the diversity of spinoff companies from the Media Lab.
Led by Christine Marcus MBA ’12, Alchemista is finding success with a human-centered approach to food service.
The 2019-20 School of Engineering MathWorks Fellows are using MATLAB and Simulink to advance discovery and innovation across disciplines.
Interview coaching startup Candorful helps veterans transitioning to civilian life prepare for job interviews.