Giving robots better moves
MIT alumnus-founded RightHand Robotics has developed picking robots that are more reliable and adaptable in warehouse environments.
MIT alumnus-founded RightHand Robotics has developed picking robots that are more reliable and adaptable in warehouse environments.
After meeting in an Advanced Study Program at MIT, three Norwegian students began working together to transport biological samples using autonomous vehicles.
Peter Howard SM ’84 is the CEO of Realtime Robotics, a startup transforming autonomous robot motion planning to enable seamless, affordable human-robot collaboration.
Algorand uses a unique architecture developed by MIT Professor Silvio Micali to offer a decentralized, secure, and scalable blockchain.
For Gabrielle Finear, a senior studying computer science, working on two startup ideas in MIT Sandbox provided hands-on learning to complement her coursework.
Yichen Shen PhD '16 is CEO of Lightelligence, an MIT spinout using photonics to reinvent computing for artificial intelligence.
Professor Nicholas Fang’s startup Boston Micro Fabrication uses a novel light-focusing method to make ultraprecise printers.
Chemical engineering senior Awele Uwagwu works to accelerate the adoption of solar energy in Nigeria.
Osmoses says its filtration membranes can make gas and vapor separation much less energy-intensive across multiple industries.
Benton Calhoun SM '02 PhD '06 and David Wentzloff SM '02 PhD '07 are co-founders of Everactive, which uses wireless sensing to provide continuous remote monitoring for the industrial internet of things.
Netra, co-founded by Shashi Kant SM ’06, uses artificial intelligence to help companies sort and manage video content.
Pilot program will support hard-tech startups with access to tools and facilities.
MIT Solve program will equip people under 24 with resources to practice problem-solving, prioritizing experiential learning, accessibility, and community-building.
DELPHI, an artificial intelligence framework, can give an “early-alert” signal for future key technologies by learning from patterns gleaned from previous scientific publications.
Alumni-founded Multiply Labs uses an automated manufacturing platform to produce advanced treatments at scale.