From counting blood cells to motion capture, sensors drive patient-centered research
SENSE.nano symposium highlights the importance of sensing technologies in medical studies.
SENSE.nano symposium highlights the importance of sensing technologies in medical studies.
The MIT spinout has been releasing iconic video games for more than 25 years.
MIT spinoff Fitnescity makes it easier for users to schedule health tests, work with physicians, and interpret results.
Nine MIT researchers selected as finalists for 2021 prize supported by Northpond Ventures; grand prize winner to receive $250K toward commercializing her human health-related invention.
Houston discusses leading the company through the pandemic in a fireside chat hosted by the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing.
Alumna-founded Aavia uses education, community, and technology to change the way people think about hormones.
Participants from across the climate and energy sectors gathered remotely and at MIT to discuss new, transformative technologies.
Thirteen entrepreneurs from eight countries across Africa join the first cohort of Legatum Foundry Fellows.
MIT students collaborate with Hong Kong peers to propose fintech solutions during the MIT Entrepreneurship and Fintech Integrator.
Udayan Umapathi SM ’17 and Will Langford SM ’14, PhD ’19 are co-founders of a Media Lab spinoff building a full-stack platform to enable automation for genomics and genetic engineering.
Wise Systems has grown from an MIT class project to a company helping multinationals improve last-mile logistics.
Secure AI Labs, founded by alumna Anne Kim and MIT Professor Manolis Kellis, anonymizes data for AI researchers.
Figur8, founded by MIT alumna Nan-Wei Gong SM ’09, PhD ’13, offers a wearable sensor system to improve the diagnosis and treatment of muscle injuries.
The 2021 event, held in Kresge Auditorium and streamed live, was an unmistakable sign that MIT’s campus is up and running.
Leonardo Bonanni MA ’03, SM ’05, PhD ’10 is founder and CEO of Sourcemap, an MIT Media Lab spinoff helping multinationals gain unprecedented insights into their supply chains.