Living in the digital ecosystem
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman talks data mash-ups, entrepreneurship and how his site keeps people honest.
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman talks data mash-ups, entrepreneurship and how his site keeps people honest.
Sloan research says companies should consider costs when investing in knowledge transfer between co-workers.
New algorithm offers ability to influence systems such as living cells or social networks.
In a new book, Sherry Turkle documents the sometimes-detrimental effects of technology on our families and social lives.
By melding economics and engineering, researchers show that as social networks get larger, they usually get better at sorting fact from fiction.
MIT System Design and Management Program co-sponsors workshop with Google, MIT Career Development Office and MIT's new Social Media Club.
In MIT's Human Dynamics Lab, Sandy Pentland PhD '82 uses cell phones and wearable sensors to research nonverbal signals, information flow, and the value of face-to-face conversation.
See the tweets from this weekend's Alumni Leadership Conference, where presentations covered topics such as social media, the 150th-anniversary celebration, the Sloan Engagement Study, and more.
Research shows how the nature of your social network influences your health behavior.