Flexible sensors can detect movement in GI tract
Ingestible devices could diagnose gastrointestinal slowdown or monitor food intake.
Ingestible devices could diagnose gastrointestinal slowdown or monitor food intake.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory team is working on ground-based cameras that detect sources of laser beam attacks on aircraft and may lessen dangers for pilots.
New venture launched by MIT will support “tough-tech” companies at work on transformative ideas that take time to commercialize.
MIT and other innovators design novel solutions for the battlefield, disaster sites, and other dangerous environments.
Simple-to-use, low-cost respiratory sensor enables measurement and tracking of personal metabolism.
Startup’s stress sensor tracks users’ unconscious responses to products and experiences.
Alumni aim to make outdoor sports safer through gathering data and building a real-time social network.
Entrepreneurs, researchers, and industry experts build connections at workshop.
First “center of excellence” for new MIT.nano facility will focus on novel detectors and imaging systems.
A bio-inspired gel material developed at MIT could help engineers control movements of soft robots.
Award will fund a 12-month project to study the implementation of wheelchair sensors in Indonesia.
Cell-infused gloves and bandages light up when in contact with certain chemicals.
New technology could help neuroscientists understand how dopamine influences brain activity.
Coupled with audio and vital-sign data, deep-learning system could someday serve as a “social coach” for people with anxiety or Asperger’s.