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Security studies and military

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Researchers from Prof. Timothy Swager’s group have created sensors that detect trace amounts of toxic gases, writes Janet Burns for Forbes. The sensor can benefit the U.S. military’s current initiative for the development of wearable equipment, which includes flexible armor and body sensors, writes Burns.


Reuters reporter Dustin Volz writes that during an MIT event, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker announced that the U.S. will begin sending digital trade experts to foreign markets. Pritzker also “discussed the Privacy Shield and other issues facing the transatlantic digital economy with Andrus Ansip, vice president of the European Commission's digital single market.”

Scientific American

Larry Greenemeier writes for Scientific American about why government agencies want access to encrypted data, highlighting a report co-authored by MIT researchers that warns against providing special access. The researchers argue that providing access would “make software and devices much more complex, difficult to secure and expensive for tech companies to maintain." 

Network World

Network World reporter Tim Greene writes that a committee of security experts state in a new report that allowing government agencies access to secure data could increase data breaches. MIT Principal Research Scientist Daniel Weitzner, who led the preparation of the report, explains that allowing special access creates “vulnerabilities to infrastructure being used in the commercial sector.”


Cat Zakrzewski writes for TechCrunch that a new report co-authored by MIT researchers details how giving law enforcement agencies access to encrypted communications could pose security risks. The report, “tells us that a backdoor for the government and law enforcement also provides an opening that could be exploited by hackers.”

The Wall Street Journal

Danny Yadron, Damian Paletta and Jennifer Valentino-Devries write for The Wall Street Journal that in a new report MIT cybersecurity experts argue that allowing governments access to encrypted data is “technically impractical and would expose consumers and business to a greater risk of data breaches.”

New York Times

Government proposals for access to data would put digital communications at risk, according to a paper by CSAIL security experts. The New York Times’ Nicole Perlroth calls the report “the first in-depth technical analysis of government proposals by leading cryptographers and security thinkers.”

Bloomberg News

James Walsh, a research affiliate at the MIT Center for International Studies, speaks on Bloomberg TV about the prospects for a nuclear deal between Iran and the U.S. “I think the agreement in principle has been there a while and I think it’s a good one,” says Walsh.


Professor Barry Posen speaks with Tom Ashbrook, host of NPR’s On Point, about the new American military push in Iraq against ISIS. Posen argues that there is no military solution to ISIS and that the, “Islamic State problem is basically a political problem.” 

Boston Globe

Professor Emeritus Jack Ruina, a noted expert on strategic arms control who served as MIT’s vice president for special laboratories and was the first director of MIT’s Security Studies Program, passed away Feb. 4, reports Boston Globe reporter Bryan Marquard. Prof. Emeritus George Rathjens said that “there wasn’t a better faculty member that I knew in the universe.”


Professor Jim Walsh discusses the U.S. hostage policy with Jeremy Hobson of WBUR’s Here and Now following the failed rescue attempt of American hostage Luke Somers in Yemen. “[T]he number of kidnappings has jumped dramatically,” says Walsh. “A lot of this is fundraising on the part of local terrorist groups.”


Executive Director at the MIT Center for International Studies John Tirman writes for WBUR about President Obama’s plan for combating ISIS. Tirman argues that without a coherent diplomatic strategy, the President’s plan is unlikely to succeed.

Financial Times

In a piece for The Financial Times about the Eurozone economies, John Plender writes about Professor Barry Posen’s argument in his new book “Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy” for cutting U.S. defense spending. 


In a piece for Forbes about U.S. foreign policy, Stephen Harner highlights Professor Barry Posen’s new book “Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy.” Harner outlines Posen’s argument that current U.S. policy should be replaced with a more restrained military approach.  


Professor Jim Walsh writes for WBUR about Israeli strategy in the current Gaza crisis, cautioning that continuous, periodic military offensives do not constitute a viable solution. “A political solution is the only realistic path to peace and stability for Israel and the region,” writes Walsh.