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The Wall Street Journal

Profs. Amy Finkelstein and Lisa Parks have been named MacArthur Fellows, reports Joe Barrett for The Wall Street Journal. Barett explains that Finkelstein “conducts studies in the economics of health care; among her findings is that Medicaid expansion increases self-reported health and financial security, but also increases use of the emergency room and has no significant impact on many measures of physical health.”

Popular Science

Two months after its launch, the TESS satellite has already identified two new exoplanet candidates, reports Mary Beth Griggs for Popular Science. “The team is excited about what TESS might discover next,” explains Prof. Sara Seager, who is serving as the deputy science director for the mission.

United Press International (UPI)

The first image captured during the initial orbit of the MIT-developed TESS satellite shows thousands of stars in the Southern Sky, reports Brooks Hays for UPI. “Galaxies, globular clusters and thousands of stars can be found within the portrait of the Southern Sky. Hidden in the image are exoplanets,” writes Hays. 

Fox News

The MIT-developed TESS satellite has sent back its first batch of images of the southern sky from its quest to identify nearby exoplanets, reports writes Chris Ciacci for Fox News. Ciacci notes that the resulting images are “nothing short of incredible.”


Axios reporter Andrew Freeman writes that the TESS satellite has captured its first images of the southern sky. “This swath of the sky’s southern hemisphere includes more than a dozen stars we know have transiting planets based on previous studies from ground observatories,” explains MIT’s George Ricker, TESS’ principal investigator.

San Francisco Chronicle

CSAIL Postdoc Gregory Falco writes in the San Francisco Chronicle about the importance of cybersecurity for satellites that interact with cars, televisions, and the internet. With new technological advancements like CubeSats, “we need to understand more about the legacy infrastructure on which these new technologies rely,” Falco concludes.


Alex Knapp writes for Forbes about Accion Systems, an MIT startup that “manufactures ion thrusters that pack serious oomph even though they're the size and shape of microchips.” Later this summer, the first satellite using the company’s thrusters will take flight, which Accion CEO and MIT alumna Natalya Bailey hails as “a big milestone.”


NASA’s “planet-hunting satellite” TESS is in its final orbit and will soon begin its hunt for exoplanets, writes Bill Retherford for Forbes. The MIT-led NASA mission is looking for transits, which Retherford explains are “eclipse-like events, when a planet passes between its star and TESS.”


NASA’s planet-hunting satellite TESS has “snapped its first test shot — an incredibly clear, star-studded image centered on the Southern constellation of Centaurus,” writes Bruce Dorminey for Forbes. “We are truly excited about how well the TESS cameras are working,” said George Ricker, the mission’s principal investigator and a senior research scientist at MIT’s Kavli Institute. 


Prof. Sara Seager speaks with Nova Wonders about the hope of finding “some sign of life” with the TESS mission. "We'd like to see methane and other gases,” says Seager. “And some of these, on their own or together, would help make the case for life on another planet.”

New Scientist

NASA’s recently launched Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) “will spend the next two years scanning 200,000 stars looking for any exoplanets orbiting them,” explains New Scientist. In about two months, once the satellite is in orbit and its cameras are tested, “there’ll just be a flood of information,” says MIT’s George Ricker, the principal investigator on TESS.


NASA has successfully launched its “planet-hunting” Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, more than a decade after MIT scientists first proposed the idea of a mission like TESS, reports Ashley Stickland for CNN. “NASA believes that TESS will build on Kepler’s momentum and open the study of exoplanets in unprecedented ways,” writes Strickland.

Popular Mechanics

After launching into space on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, “NASA's newest planet-hunter, the TESS space telescope, will observe roughly 85 percent of the sky to find planets orbiting bright, nearby stars,” writes Jay Bennett of Popular Mechanics. "Never underestimate how ingenious nature actually is," said MIT’s George Ricker, who is the principal investigator on TESS.

BBC News

Rhod Sharp, presenter of Up All Night on BBC Radio 5, talks with Prof. Sara Seager about the functionality of TESS and the details of its orbit. “TESS has a very unique orbit, it’s like a giant ellipse,” says Seager. “The cameras are made to be very stable thermally, so little temperature changes don’t expand or contract different parts of the lens assembly, and thus mess up the image.”

Radio Boston (WBUR)

Meghna Chakrabarti of WBUR’s Radio Boston talks with Sky & Telescope editor J. Kelly Beatty about what makes the launch of TESS, an MIT-led NASA mission to discover new planets, so exciting. “We should give a nod to the great minds at MIT,” says Chakrabarti, “because they had quite a significant role in the thought behind getting this satellite up in the first place.”