An ancient RNA-guided system could simplify delivery of gene editing therapies
The programmable proteins are compact, modular, and can be directed to modify DNA in human cells.
The programmable proteins are compact, modular, and can be directed to modify DNA in human cells.
When scientists stimulated cells to produce a protein that helps “water bears” survive extreme environments, the tissue showed much less DNA damage after radiation treatment.
They identified proteins that influence splicing of about half of all human introns, allowing for more complex types of gene regulation.
Xiao Wang’s studies of how and where RNA is translated could lead to the development of better RNA therapeutics and vaccines.
Laureates participated in various Nobel Week events, including lectures, a concert, a banquet, and the Nobel ceremony on Dec. 10.
By examining antigen architectures, MIT researchers built a therapeutic cancer vaccine that may improve tumor response to immune checkpoint blockade treatments.
A newly characterized anti-viral defense system in bacteria aborts infection through a novel mechanism by chemically altering mRNA.
Study reveals the drug, 5-fluorouracil, acts differently in different types of cancer — a finding that could help researchers design better drug combinations.
The scientists, who worked together as postdocs at MIT, are honored for their discovery of microRNA — a class of molecules that are critical for gene regulation.
MIT scientists’ discovery yields a potent immune response, could be used to develop a potential tumor vaccine.
Genomics and lab studies reveal numerous findings, including a key role for Reelin amid neuronal vulnerability, and for choline and antioxidants in sustaining cognition.
Custom plates display expressions of scholarship, creativity, and MIT pride among Institute affiliates.
By capturing short-lived RNA molecules, scientists can map relationships between genes and the regulatory elements that control them.
SMART researchers find a cellular process called transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA) modification influences the malaria parasite’s ability to develop resistance.
Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, founded by MIT professors and former postdocs, has turned the promise of RNAi research into a new class of powerful therapies.