Study finds lands used for grazing can worsen or help climate change
Too much livestock on a given amount of land can lead to carbon losses, but appropriate numbers can actually help sequester the carbon.
Too much livestock on a given amount of land can lead to carbon losses, but appropriate numbers can actually help sequester the carbon.
A new algorithm reduces travel time by identifying shortcuts a robot could take on the way to its destination.
Employees underestimate salary levels in their own industry, leading them to spend less time exploring the job market.
Applied during endoscopic procedures, GastroShield could help prevent complications such as bleeding and leakage from weakened gastrointestinal tissues.
With the new technique, MIT researchers hope to identify mutations that could be targeted with new cancer therapies.
In field tests, MIT spinoff AgZen demonstrated that its feedback-optimized spraying system could halve the pesticide needs of farms and improve crop yields.
Software allows scientists to model shapeshifting proteins in native cellular environments.
An online model enables users to calculate the least-cost strategy for a specific regional grid under various assumptions; outcomes vary widely from region to region.
The technology could offer a cheap, fast way to test for PFAS, which have been linked to cancer and other health problems.
An MIT study finds the brains of polyglots expend comparatively little effort when processing their native language.
By enabling models to see the world more like humans do, the work could help improve driver safety and shed light on human behavior.
Study finds stimulating a key brain rhythm with light and sound increases peptide release from interneurons, driving clearance of an Alzheimer’s protein.
MIT neuroscientists have discovered a circuit that controls vocalization and makes sure that breathing is prioritized over speaking.
Faster and more accurate than some alternatives, this approach could be useful for robots that interact with humans or work in tight spaces.
Professor Ernest Fraenkel has decoded fundamental aspects of Huntington’s disease and glioblastoma, and is now using computation to better understand amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.