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President L. Rafael Reif

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Boston Globe

Dan Adams covers the 2014 MIT commencement for The Boston Globe. “I want you to hack the world, until you make the world a little more like MIT,” said President L. Rafael Reif. 


“To explore this new world where governments and companies have the ability to amass, analyze and use vast amounts of personal information, the president ordered a comprehensive review of what’s called ‘big data’,” wrote WBUR reporter Bruce Gellerman of the big data privacy workshop held at MIT March 3.

New York Times

“As the opening speaker at a workshop titled Big Data Privacy, sponsored by M.I.T. and the White House, Dr. Reif framed some of the big questions that have arisen from the increasing public and private sector use of powerful large-scale data-mining techniques,” writes Natasha Singer for The New York Times.

Associated Press

"Government, business and academic leaders gathered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Monday to discuss whether new policies are needed to regulate the use of big data, the large and complex sets of electronic information being used by companies to market products, researchers to study health problems, and as a government surveillance tool," writes Associated Press reporter Paige Sutherland of the big data privacy workshop held at MIT.


Steve Henn reports for NPR on protecting privacy in the digital age in advance of the big data privacy workshop co-hosted by MIT and the White House.


On Morning Joe, Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker discusses the goal of the big data privacy workshop the White House co-hosted with MIT on March 3rd.