“Artificial blubber” protects divers in frigid water
MIT engineers develop a way to triple the survival time for swimmers in wetsuits.
MIT engineers develop a way to triple the survival time for swimmers in wetsuits.
Using diamond dust and laser light to control atomic spin, Ashok Ajoy PhD ’16 pursues alternatives to costly conventional imaging technologies.
Professor of nuclear science and engineering Scott Kemp describes the science behind the search for clandestine nuclear sites.
MIT systems analyst receives award for his essential fusion data storage and retrieval system.
Awardees will use grants to advance research in areas including energy storage, renewables expansion modeling, and the chemistry of electrocatalysts.
Fine-tuning thermal hydraulics in reactors, doctoral student Guanyu Su hopes to advance more powerful nuclear energy technology.
MIT’s Committed to Caring Award selects third slate of dedicated professors.
Mingda Li seeks to harness atomic irregularities in materials for improved energy applications.
New isotope-detection method could prove compliance but avoid divulging secrets.
Assistant professor of physics and Laboratory for Nuclear Science researcher recognized for major contributions to high energy and nuclear physics.
Postdoc Theresa Wilks finds home on the west coast, helming an MIT collaboration with the DIII-D tokamak fusion reactor.
Researchers find an ultrathin layer of aluminum oxide, though solid, can flow like a liquid instead of cracking.
Faculty members recognized for excellence via a diverse array of honors, grants, and prizes over the last quarter.
Symposium explores how novel ideas and experiments are advancing many areas of theoretical physics in newly interconnected ways.