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North Korea

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A series of recently tested hypersonic missiles in North Korea brings forth concerns about vulnerability for U.S. troops and their allies in Asia, reports Josh Smith for Reuters. Research affiliate David Wright warns that “South Korea and the roughly 28,500 U.S. troops based there are so close that incoming missiles could fly on even lower trajectories, with a much shorter flight time, making defense more difficult,” writes Smith.

Here and Now- WBUR

Jim Walsh, senior research associate at MIT’s Security Studies Program, speaks with Lisa Mullins on WBUR’s Here & Now about President Trump’s nuclear negotiations with North Korea. “Whether there’s any real progress remains to be seen,” says Walsh, “but, I’d rather them be talking than not talking.”

Foreign Affairs

Prof. Vipin Narang writes for Foreign Affairs about the state of North Korea’s nuclear program following President Trump’s summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Narang argues that the U.S. should try to “establish a stable deterrence regime rather than pressing for immediate unilateral disarmament, ensuring that nuclear dangers on the Korean Peninsula are managed responsibly.”


In this CNBC article, Prof. R. Scott Kemp weighs in on the implications of the agreement signed by President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Kemp writes that, “a realistic agreement will probably take years to hash out, as there is much to learn about North Korea's program first. The Trump-Kim statement of principles is exactly what is needed to get started."

New York Times

In an article for The New York Times, Prof. Vipin Narang writes that President Donald Trump’s meeting with Kim Jong-un of North Korea legitimized North Korea’s status as one of the world’s nuclear powers. “North Korea’s nuclear power is politically complete, thanks to the legitimacy that comes from a handshake with an American president,” argues Narang.

New York Times

Prof. Barry Posen writes in The New York Times about the possible outcomes of different planned military strikes against North Korea. “A combination of diplomacy and deterrence, based on the already impressive strength of South Korean and United States conventional and nuclear forces, is a wise alternative,” concludes Posen.

The Wall Street Journal

A study co-authored by Dr. Jim Walsh of the Center for International Studies finds that sanctions aimed at curbing North Korea’s nuclear-missile program are ineffective, writes Alastair Gale for The Wall Street Journal. The researchers found that “North Korea has grown resistant to sanctions by building up its business operations inside China.”


Professor Jim Walsh speaks with Jeremy Hobson of NPR’s Here & Now about concerns that North Korea may be planning to conduct another nuclear test during President Obama’s visit to Japan. Walsh also speaks about current international issues on a larger scale, touching on both Syria and Ukraine.