MIT engineers build smart power outlet
Design can “learn” to identify plugged-in appliances, distinguish dangerous electrical spikes from benign ones.
Design can “learn” to identify plugged-in appliances, distinguish dangerous electrical spikes from benign ones.
Theoretical study shows how to make wireless localization much more accurate.
New framework guarantees stability of microgrids that supply local power in developing countries.
Using smartphone cameras, system for seeing around corners could help with self-driving cars and search-and-rescue.
Programming language plus simple circuit design could let routers report on their own operation.
CSAIL’s machine-learning system enables smoother streaming that can better adapt to different network conditions.
Given a still image of a dish filled with food, CSAIL team's deep-learning algorithm recommends ingredients and recipes.
System piggybacks on the digital currency’s security protocols to thwart hijacked servers.
By measuring this emerging vital sign, CSAIL system could help monitor and diagnose health issues like cognitive decline and cardiac disease.
System allocates data center bandwidth more fairly, so no part of a webpage lags behind others.
New approach speeds up testing of traffic management solutions for data center networks.
Professor of electrical engineering and computer science will also take on the new role of associate director of the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society.
MIT senior and Marshall Scholar will pursue research on algorithms to improve computer networks.
Adib is directing a new research group at the Media Lab, aiming to uncover, analyze, and engineer natural and human-made networks.
Given a still image, CSAIL deep-learning system generates videos that predict what will happen next in a scene.