A revolution in higher education
Sanjay Sarma is leading an educational revolution now underway in higher education.
Sanjay Sarma is leading an educational revolution now underway in higher education.
Flipping a classroom enhances student and faculty experience.
Detailed quantitative study of learning online shows success, even among those with least preparation.
In response to success of initial offering, individuals may sign up now for fall and spring sessions of "Tackling the Challenges of Big Data"
Alumni support to fund innovative experiential learning curriculum.
MIT hosts a unique experiment in blended learning.
Final report of Institute-wide Task Force offers 16 recommendations to help MIT evolve for a new world.
Dataset contains the original learning data from the 16 HarvardX and MITx courses offered in 2012-13.
New MITx MOOC brings the street fighting approach to solving math problems.
Pledges an additional $2 million in the next three years to support the development of massive open online courses
New MITx MOOC brings the expertise of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship to the Web.
"Insights" tools provide intuitive interface for accessing enrollment and demographic data from edX courses.
15.071 The Analytics Edge examines real-world examples and teaches analytic approaches.