Letterlocking: A new look at a centuries-old practice
A first history of the document security technology, co-authored by MIT Libraries’ Jana Dambrogio, provides new tools for interdisciplinary research.
A first history of the document security technology, co-authored by MIT Libraries’ Jana Dambrogio, provides new tools for interdisciplinary research.
Support for D2O in 2025 includes two new three-year, all-consortium commitments from the Florida Virtual Campus and the Big Ten Academic Alliance.
In a new book, Lawrence Vale spotlights projects from around the globe that help insulate communities from climate shocks.
New book from MIT AgeLab researchers applies the concept of innovation clusters to global population aging.
Report aims to “ensure that open science practices are sustainable and that they contribute to the highest quality research.”
A summertime installation by MIT’s real estate group features free roller-skating and fun activities for the broader community.
After 36 years and hundreds of titles, the executive editor reflects on his career as a “champion of rigorous and brilliant scholarship.”
Open-access monographs receive significantly more use and citations than non-open counterparts, and are more successful at reaching audiences beyond academia.
From a scholarly monograph on Haitian language to a feminist history of social media photography, grant recipients bring new perspectives to the world through the MIT Press.
Nine open-access books cross 10,000 reads threshold, bringing total for Direct to Open titles to almost 425,000.
An MIT-based white paper identifies leading questions in the quest to make open-access publications sustainable.
With support from 322 libraries — a 33 percent increase in participation over its first year — the D2O publishing model will include over 160 scholarly monographs and edited collections by the end of 2023.
Enjoy these recent titles from Institute faculty and staff.
The iconic MIT Press colophon symbolizes the legacy of its creator Muriel Cooper, a graphic design pioneer and longtime member of the MIT community.