Using new models and big data to better understand financial risk
Bringing together engineers, data theorists, mathematicians, economists, biologists, and policy experts, IDSS is looking at financial risk through a multidisciplinary lens.
Bringing together engineers, data theorists, mathematicians, economists, biologists, and policy experts, IDSS is looking at financial risk through a multidisciplinary lens.
Researchers in IDSS are learning how ideas evolve over networks, quantifying the influence of individuals in networks, and making better predictions.
Beyond 2016: MIT’s Frontiers of the Future event offers a playful introduction to research at MIT.
Tour includes meeting with MIT President L. Rafael Reif, visit to Media Lab.
Device uses depth sensor and signal processing to capture clear images through windows.
Startup’s software maps out convoluted supply chains for companies and consumers
Event welcomes more than 20 speakers over four sessions on designing places for inventing the future.
Emerging Worlds, a Media Lab and Tata Center initiative, seeks to catalyze change on a massive scale.
Wearable tracks increased skin conductance that signals stress, helps identify dangerous seizures.
Journal will offer a new, open-access alternative for academic publishing.
Researchers in the Media Lab's bioLogic group have created a new form of performance fabric that combines biomaterials research with textile design.
Course led by two from the Media Lab focused on improving the livability of cities while dramatically reducing resource consumption.
New imaging system uses an open-ended bundle of optical fibers — no lenses, protective housing needed.
MIT professor and four alumni honored for inventing electronic ink, the spanning tree protocol, and Sketchpad, a human-machine graphical communication system.
Three neuroscientists share biomedicine prize for development of optogenetics