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Koch Institute

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United Press International (UPI)

MIT researchers have developed a cost-effective, cell analysis method using graphene sheets, reports Brooks Hays for UPI. The new technique could allow “simple sheets of graphene oxide to function as a diagnostics device for medical and biological tests,” Hays explains. 

CBC News

Postdoctoral associate Phillip Nadeau speaks with CBC reporter Nora Young about a new ingestible electronic device developed by MIT researchers that could potentially be used to transmit patient data or deliver medications. Young explains that the new device “doesn't require a battery, because it's able to create an electrical current from the acid in your stomach.”

Science Friday

Research affiliate Giovanni Traverso speaks with Ira Flatow of Science Friday about a new ingestible device powered by stomach acid. “When you start thinking about keeping a system inside of the body for a long time,” Traverso explains, “powering that system becomes a challenge, and that’s exactly what we tried to aim to address here with this study.”

United Press International (UPI)

MIT researchers have developed an ingestible device that is powered by stomach acid and can deliver drugs for up to one week, reports Brooks Hays of UPI. "Our work helps pave the way toward a new era of pill-sized electronics, which can operate over the course of weeks or even months in the gastrointestinal tract,” says Giovanni Traverso, a research affiliate at the Koch Institute.

Boston Magazine

MIT researchers have developed a pill that uses stomach acid to run sensors in the body and can deliver drugs over a long period of time, writes Hallie Smith of Boston Magazine. By attaching zinc and copper electrodes to the exterior of the pill it “reacts with stomach acid to create electricity,” explains Smith.


MIT researchers have developed a new drug capsule that can deliver doses of medication over the course of several weeks, reports Robby Berman for Slate. Berman explains that the star-shaped device is like “a little pharmacy stationed in the stomach, ready to dispense doses at the desired times.”

Radio Boston (WBUR)

Prof. Tyler Jacks, director of the Koch Institute, speaks with Meghna Chakrabarti of WBUR’s Radio Boston about cancer research in Boston. Jacks says the large number of researchers in the area “gives us a distinctive advantage,” as it provides researchers the opportunity to interact and collaborate with various institutions. 


Prof. Robert Langer speaks with Kathryn Nave of Wired about the future of drug delivery. Langer explains that a problem facing medical professionals is that many drugs are not taken regularly or as prescribed, and describes how he is developing a “long-acting pill that you could swallow to release the right drug dosage for weeks.”


A new drug delivery system developed by MIT researchers may help eradicate malaria and could boost medication adherence, writes Rachel Zimmerman for WBUR’s Bostonomix. "People don't take their medicines and this might be a way, someday, for Alzheimer's patients to have much better treatments and people with mental health diseases to have much better treatments," says Prof. Langer.


MIT researchers have devised a capsule that can deliver medications over extended periods of time, and could be useful in halting the spread of malaria. The Economist notes that the device could be a “useful addition to the armory being deployed against malaria. And that, alone, could save many lives a year.”


Bob Tedeschi writes for STAT that MIT researchers have developed a device that can remain in the stomach for up to two weeks, gradually releasing medication. “The capsule represents the latest effort to solve a major flaw in drug delivery,” Tedeschi explains. “Because the human stomach clears its contents multiple times daily, pill takers must dose themselves frequently.”

Popular Science

MIT researchers have developed a new drug delivery capsule that can deliver medication over extended periods of time, reports Claire Maldarelli for Popular Science. Once in the stomach, the capsule opens into a star shape, which “prevents the pill from leaving the stomach and entering the small intestine.”

Boston Magazine

Researchers at MIT have developed a slow-release drug capsule that can last two weeks in a person’s stomach, writes Jamie Ducharme for Boston Magazine. “The capsule was tested for use in malaria prevention, but the researchers behind it say it could be used for virtually any condition that requires regular oral medication,” Ducharme explains.


Reuters reporter Kate Kelland writes that MIT researchers have created a new drug-delivery capsule that can stay in the stomach for up to two weeks after being swallowed. The star-shaped device could be “a powerful weapon in fighting malaria, HIV and other diseases where successful treatment depends on repeated doses of medicine.”

Los Angeles Times

MIT researchers have developed a star-shaped, drug-delivery device that can stay in the stomach for up to two weeks, gradually releasing medication, reports Melissa Healy for The Los Angeles Times. The researchers believe the device could be useful in “delivering a wide range of medications for diseases in which patient non-adherence is a problem.”