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Koch Institute

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Using nanotechnology and CRISPR, Prof. Daniel Anderson has turned off a cholesterol-related gene in mouse liver cells, reports Julie Steenhuysen for Reuters.  This new development “could lead to new ways to correct genes that cause high cholesterol and other liver diseases,” Steenhuysen writes.

US News & World Report

MIT postdoc Ritu Raman is one of five recipients of the 2017 For Women in Science Fellowship from L’Oreal USA, writes Claire Hansen of U.S. News & World Report. The $60,000 grants are awarded to the women “based on the strength of their research and scientific excellence, but also on their commitment to supporting other women and girls in science,” explains Hansen.

BBC News

BBC News reporter James Gallagher writes that MIT researchers have developed a new technology that could eventually enable doctors to administer multiple vaccines in one shot. 


Guardian reporter Nicola Davis writes that MIT researchers have developed a new approach that could be used to deliver multiple vaccines in one injection. Davis explains that the technique could prove useful in developing countries, “potentially allowing all childhood vaccines and their boosters to be given in one shot.”

New Scientist

MIT researchers have developed a new way of creating drug-carrying particles that could allow multiple doses of a vaccine to be delivered over an extended period of time, reports Matt Reynolds for New Scientist. “The technology could eventually be used to create ‘omni-vaccines’ that protect against a whole host of diseases in one shot.”

Boston Magazine

Boston Magazine reporter Rowan Walrath writes that MIT researchers have developed a new technique that could be used to deliver multi-drug vaccines. The researchers developed a new method for “designing customizable, three-dimensional microparticles that resemble minuscule coffee cups. Each cup…contains a drug or vaccine ‘library’ that can be released at multiple points over an extended period of time.”

Boston Herald

Boston Herald reporter Lindsay Kalter writes that MIT researchers have developed a hydrogel-based capsule that can slowly release medications over several days and could help patients follow complex treatment regimens.  “A lot of people do not take their medication as prescribed,” explains postdoc Jinyao Liu. “With this, you just need a single dose.”

Boston Magazine

MIT researchers have developed a new way to grow liver tissue, writes Jamie Ducharme for Boston Magazine. “These minuscule structures expanded to 50 times their starting size,” Ducharme explains, “and performed normal liver functions like metabolism regulation, bile production, and detoxification.”


Reporting for WBUR on efforts to develop a treatment for glioblastoma, Karen Weintraub highlights Prof. Paula Hammond’s work creating a method to get drugs across the body’s blood-brain barrier. “By disguising her tiny, drug-carrying nanoparticles as proteins that normally carry iron across the barrier, she's been able to sneak them past the armor that lines the brain’s blood vessels.”

Boston Herald

MIT researchers have engineered an expandable liver from human liver cells that can grow up to 50 times its original size, reports Lindsay Kalter for the Boston Herald. In the future, the researchers would like to make the expandable livers smarter, “by embedding sensors in them to tell us how they are doing,” explains Prof. Sangeeta Bhatia.

U.S. News & World Report

MIT researchers have developed a new way to engineer liver tissue that involves implanting tiny “seeds” of liver tissue, which expand to perform normal liver functions, reports Robert Preidt for U.S. News & World Report. The technique could one day “help reduce long wait lists for liver transplants.”

Bloomberg TV

In this Bloomberg TV video aired during the July 4th Spectacular, Profs. Sangeeta Bhatia and Robert Langer discuss the Greater Boston area’s prowess in medical research. Langer explains that for his research, which is focused on inventing, “new things in chemical engineering that can change people’s lives in medicine, there is no better place.”   

Boston Globe

During a panel discussion during the Koch Institute’s 16th Annual Cancer Research Symposium, participants discussed how the convergence of biology and engineering could accelerate treatments for cancer and other diseases, writes Robert Weisman for the Boston Globe. “To my mind, this is the 21st century’s innovation story,” said President Emerita Susan Hockfield.


Reporting for WBUR, Karen Weintraub speaks with Profs. Angela Belcher, Sangeeta Bhatia and Paula Hammond about their work developing tiny tools to target cancer cells. Bhatia explains that their collaboration feels like, “a dream team of people that are interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology and focusing those advances on cancer.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Robert Weisman writes about how a new startup is using technology developed in part by Prof. Robert Langer to try to reverse hearing loss. The company is applying Langer’s research to “regenerate sensory hair cells in the inner ear to treat the noise-induced hearing loss that affects an estimated 48 million Americans and millions more worldwide.”