How the Tizard Mission paved the way for research at MIT
Seventy-five years ago, an international meeting of scientific minds changed forever how MIT and other research institutions develop new technologies.
Seventy-five years ago, an international meeting of scientific minds changed forever how MIT and other research institutions develop new technologies.
IPL faculty lead describes the project's origins and invites proposals for lab-funded policy research projects.
Meeting with French leaders and industry representatives at U.S. Embassy in Paris highlights value of interdisciplinary partnerships to advance low-carbon technologies.
Leading climate economists discuss prospects for a global agreement.
Randall Wright, senior liaison officer with MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program, received the Austrian Decoration of Honor in Gold at the Austrian Embassy in Washington.
At MIT event, scholars and relief workers warn current problems could be “the tip of the iceberg.”
Research and development at MIT Lincoln Laboratory will help agencies better respond to disasters and humanitarian crises.
Urban planning professor will advise on smart cities.
Joint Conference and Exhibition on Fostering Science and Innovation will showcase activities and outcomes of international partnerships with Portugal.
MIT Climate CoLab offers individuals a chance to propose and test their global plan to confront climate change.
In new role, longtime NSE professor will assume responsibility for MIT’s major international efforts.
Robotic stingrays, driverless golf carts, and a cancer-detection device were on display.
Discussion of innovation keynotes stop; Japan gives gift to Institute.
MIT research scientist Sergey Paltsev studies just how big the market for liquefied natural gas could get.
A roundtable discussion on Iranian negotiations delves into potential outcomes and implications.