Reducing waste and inefficiency, while increasing access and profits, propels MIT Energy Hackathon
Eight real-world industry challenges fuel teams’ competitive spirit and impressive results.
Eight real-world industry challenges fuel teams’ competitive spirit and impressive results.
Alumni-founded companies have created 4.6 million jobs, generating nearly $2 trillion in annual revenues.
Elazer Edelman’s multidisciplinary teams bring innovation to cardiovascular health worldwide.
Eugene Fitzgerald explores the innovation dynamics that produce new technological and economic paradigms.
Associate professor of architecture and urbanism Rafi Segal envisions “dispersed cities” designed to provide greater sociability and sustainability.
Meeting with French leaders and industry representatives at U.S. Embassy in Paris highlights value of interdisciplinary partnerships to advance low-carbon technologies.
MIT’s vice president for research looks ahead to implementation.
Center for Real Estate hosts architects and engineers from the National Association for Real Estate Investment Managers.
Randall Wright, senior liaison officer with MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program, received the Austrian Decoration of Honor in Gold at the Austrian Embassy in Washington.
Jeffrey Grossman applies new materials research to making desalination cheaper and more efficient.
Materials Matter competition, inspired by MIT research, seeks innovations that could help transform the way we view, make, and use materials.
Timely vehicle recall by German automaker would avoid some 130 early deaths, researchers say.
John Fernandez and his colleagues explore urban resource consumption to help guide the development of rapidly growing African cities.
Themistoklis Sapsis seeks to understand, predict, and optimize complex engineering and environmental systems under extreme uncertainty.