New depth sensors could be sensitive enough for self-driving cars
Computational method improves the resolution of time-of-flight depth sensors 1,000-fold.
Computational method improves the resolution of time-of-flight depth sensors 1,000-fold.
Using smartphone cameras, system for seeing around corners could help with self-driving cars and search-and-rescue.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory team is working on ground-based cameras that detect sources of laser beam attacks on aircraft and may lessen dangers for pilots.
Researchers gauge a cell’s stiffness, which can reflect cancer or other conditions, simply by watching it.
New agent could be used for certain high-risk groups and may enable longer-term tumor imaging.
FLARE technique can reveal which cells respond during different tasks.
System directs camera-equipped drones to maintain framing of an aerial shot.
Advanced Land Imager instrument developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory helped NASA mission exceed expectations.
Tissue-expansion technique could allow scientists to map brain circuits.
Lincoln Laboratory’s imaging system can uncover what's under the trees.
Technique could provide unique views of single molecules that conventional methods can’t match.
New imaging technique stimulates particles to emit laser light, could create higher-resolution images.
MIT researchers use an optical technique to probe magnetism at a hidden interface between two exotic thin films.
System accounts for the deflection of light particles passing through animal tissue or fog.
Imaging scientist and inventor sets sights on launching peer-to-peer invention platforms for global impact.