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MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that could reduce how long planes wait before takeoff, reports Lee Moran for The Huffington Post.  The formula allows air traffic controllers to use data on weather conditions and runway traffic to “hold airplanes at the gate, which would help avoid congestion.”

Inside Higher Ed

Prof. Noelle Selin discusses the impact on air pollution caused by Volkwagen’s cheating on vehicle emissions tests in an episode of Inside Higher Education’s Academic Minute radio program. Selin explains that, “pollution from U.S. cars and power plants causes substantial damages every day. This remains a problem to be solved.”

The Wall Street Journal

Prof. Yossi Sheffi writes for The Wall Street Journal that businesses need to safeguard their supply chains against “black swan” events, rare situations that wreak havoc. Sheffi explains that the “changing nature of supply chains has made it more important to consider the potential impact of the black-swan event.”

Fortune- CNN

Prof. Noelle Eckley Selin writes for Forbes about the consequences of the Volkswagen diesel scandal. “My analysis shows that Volkswagen’s deception — which resulted in emissions 30 to 40 times allowable levels when driving — could exceed $100 million in economic costs from health damages,” writes Selin.