Study: When allocating scarce resources with AI, randomization can improve fairness
Introducing structured randomization into decisions based on machine-learning model predictions can address inherent uncertainties while maintaining efficiency.
Introducing structured randomization into decisions based on machine-learning model predictions can address inherent uncertainties while maintaining efficiency.
A new study shows someone’s beliefs about an LLM play a significant role in the model’s performance and are important for how it is deployed.
A new technique enables users to compare several large models and choose the one that works best for their task.
More accurate uncertainty estimates could help users decide about how and when to use machine-learning models in the real world.
Developed by MIT RAISE, the Day of AI curriculum empowers K-12 students to collaborate on local and global challenges using AI.
The MITx MicroMasters in Data, Economics, and Design of Policy program educates learners around the world using its data-driven approach to poverty alleviation.
The startup Augmental allows users to operate phones and other devices using their tongue, mouth, and head gestures.
Fifteen new faculty members join six of the school’s academic departments.
MIT CSAIL researchers enhance robotic precision with sophisticated tactile sensors in the palm and agile fingers, setting the stage for improvements in human-robot interaction and prosthetic technology.
The Trustnet browser extension lets individuals assess the accuracy of any content on any website.
A new “consensus game,” developed by MIT CSAIL researchers, elevates AI’s text comprehension and generation skills.
New “AI Comes Out of the Closet” system seeks to merge artificial intelligence and LGBTQIA+ support.
The conversation in Kresge Auditorium touched on the promise and perils of the rapidly evolving technology.
MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering grad students are undertaking a broad range of innovative research projects.
Three neurosymbolic methods help language models find better abstractions within natural language, then use those representations to execute complex tasks.