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History of MIT

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Show: reporter Nina Godlewski writes that a time capsule from 1957 has been discovered at MIT. The capsule was a “specially designed glass cylinder and contained argon gas to preserve the contents. A little bit of carbon-14 was also added so scientists could date the capsule.”

Boston Globe

A glass time capsule from 1957 has been unearthed during excavation for MIT.nano, reports Steve Annear for The Boston Globe. Deborah Douglas, director of collections for the MIT Museum, says that the capsule is “a wonderful gesture, executed MIT-style.”

Popular Science

Popular Science reporter Mary Beth Griggs writes about the discovery of a time capsule from 1957 during excavation for MIT.nano. Griggs writes that the capsule had “been in the ground for 58 years, but it was supposed to be in place for much longer.”

A slideshow compiled by highlights “some of the faces and places” from MIT’s history. The slideshow features historic images of campus, research projects, sporting and student events, and more. 


Shannon Fischer writes for BetaBoston about MIT Professor John Sheehan’s work synthesizing penicillin. “The scientific importance of synthesizing such a compound that had baffled the best chemists of a generation was a great incentive, for I knew that someone would solve the problem eventually. I wanted to be that person,” Sheehan explained in his book “The Enchanted Ring.” 

The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal reporter Ben Cohen takes a look at the revival of the MIT football program, which after being disbanded in 1901 was resurrected as a student-run squad in 1978. “They deserve a lot of credit for where we are today,” says MIT President L. Rafael Reif of MIT’s founding football players.